Pillars of eternity melee cipher build
Pillars of eternity melee cipher build

And on turn-based mode you could probably make a really interesting disengagement-riposte trickster based around it by equipping all the +disengagement attack defense items and intentionally proccing disengagement attacks to trigger double ripostes, using your movement to deal damage and build focus, then dropping even bigger soul annihilation bombs with your attack. Not only is it amazing for single class soulblades, it interacts with fighter's clear out the way you might expect (procs a separate cone for every enemy in the AoE of clear out and two cones for the initial target). There are so many ways you can build around that weapon alone.

pillars of eternity melee cipher build

Monk/cipher is also excellent if you're going for the special greatsword. Multiclassing is good for melee ciphers because you don't want to spend your early focus on buffs, as casting them takes a lot more time than trickster or fighter abilities and it also slows down your focus buildup for ascending or dishing out big fat soulblade strikes. Brilliant inspiration makes your disintegrates hit like trucks. Survivability, strong fighter passives, decent ways to generate focus with fighter abilities, and the build works right off the bat. Tactician/soulblade or tactician/ascendant is great for a melee cipher. But single class is just as good, maybe even better if you go for AoE damage with Whispers of the Endless Paths. TL DR: Trickster covers all of soulblade's weaknesses and doubles down on its strengths. Ciphers, even soulblades, are excellent at preventing damage in the first place with charms and AoE save or suck spells, so low defenses are not impossible to work around for a melee cipher even on PotD.

#Pillars of eternity melee cipher build plus#

I always though single class was mostly pointless for soulblade, but that last point means they're much better against groups than a multiclass build and can use death of 1000 cuts plus low level shred spell spam (antipathetic field and mind blades) to deal well with bosses. On the other hand, single class soulblade gets key spells faster, time parasite helps a lot to make up the damage difference (real-time mode only, of course), and shared nightmare, the level 9 passive, applies to all AoEs, not just cipher spells, meaning it dramatically increases the AoE of Whispers of the Endless Paths as well. Trickster/soul blade has a whole lot going for it. What's more, sneak attack stacks in a crazy way with soul annihilation since it boosts your focus generation, then also multiplies the raw damage applied by soul annihilation itself. Also it stacks (+all defenses stacks with + deflection/reflex/etc.) with trickster buffs for very solid defenses.

pillars of eternity melee cipher build

The big one is borrowed instinct, but you have to have focus to cast it, then hit an enemy with it, meaning it's not guaranteed to up up 100% of the time. And you get some good defensive abilities iirc so I'm not buying the need to multiclass. Eyestrike and Mental Binding are ridiculously good early crowd control spells so prioritize picking those up first.Or no sub-class really. The only damaging Cipher power you need is Disintegration, as it puts all the other powers to shame in terms of damage output. So basically the plan should be to use your Cipher powers to self-buff and debuff enemies while focusing on autoattacks for your DPS. Resolve would be helpful if you want to be in the thick of things rather than poking from behind an ally with an extended reach weapon, and Perception will make it easier to land your debuffs on enemies. Dex is better than Might because it will not only improve your DPS but also allow you to cast non-damaging spells faster.

pillars of eternity melee cipher build

For your other stats I'd keep Might and Con at 10 and boost Dex/Per/Res as you prefer. Your main focus should be self-buffing with Psychovampiric Shield, Body Attunement and Borrowed Instinct as they will more than make up for the natural fragility of the Cipher, and therefore maximizing int is essential to keep these buffs up for as long as possible.

pillars of eternity melee cipher build

I find that the 2-handers work quite well as you can build a lot of focus with a single big hit and then transfer to casting, it flows a bit better than trying to build up small amounts of focus from faster weapons. Otherwise any preferred melee weapons would work fine, 2-handed weapons are generally better than dual-wielding because in PoE1 Damage Reduction removes a flat amount per attack, so bigger, slower hits will have greater efficiency. Absolutely, I'd recommend using a Pike or Quarterstaff as they give extended reach so you can stand behind your tank and attack/cast away.

Pillars of eternity melee cipher build